Inspiring Forward: Lending a Helping Hand in Times of Need

A true friend is one that is there in the good times and the bad ones . Once they reconnected after 25 years, Fredrick Sosa (FS) decided to spend his Day of Giving lending a hand to his friend in need.

AC: For your Day of Giving, what did you do?

FS: OK, I actually assisted an individual who is homebound and has very limited movement. Went grocery shopping for him and did a lot of housework for him. Spent the day cleaning and also was able to take him out of the house, as he has been homebound for several months!

AC: Oh that’s very admirable, what motivated you to give back to him?

FS: I actually learned about his situation a few months ago from an acquaintance at the hospital that knows us both. He informed me of his situation, we had not seen each other in several years! He has no family locally and I felt compelled to reach out to him. It has allowed us both to reacquaint and has been an uplifting experience for us both!

I minister and was unaware of his situation and was happy to find out about him, last I knew he was out of state. He has been through a lot, and not only needed help with everyday things, but was in need of friends / family. I was grateful I could be there for him! This time allowed me to do this and I am ever so grateful for the opportunity that Day of Giving has afforded me to do so!

AC: Have you known each other for long?

FS: We used to hang out over 25 years ago! I had not seen him in that time.

AC: That’s amazing that you were able to reconnect after so long, how did it feel to be able to lend them a hand now during such crucial times?

FS: It was very humbling. It’s so easy to see people running on hard times and even feeling sorry for them, but this hit very close to home! Seeing the smile on his face and the gratitude was amazing! It brought me down to earth that any of us can be a victim of the unfairness of life at any time, we have a responsibility to give back and not take the things of life for granted.

AC: How was your experience while giving back?

FS: The everyday labors that must be done don’t seem so trivial and can be very rewarding when done as a gift to those in need! I found myself grateful to do the very same things that I often avoid doing at home! Again, very humbling.

AC: What would you say to encourage others to give back?

FS: The rewards are priceless and last because it does not just satisfy an emotional or prideful need; it’s actually very spiritual and affects you deep within. To receive is nice, but to be able to give, that is then true gift!

AC: Lastly, is there anything you’d like to tell our readers before we go? 

FS: I think so many of us are searching for purpose. Being a blessing to others, giving of your time lasts so much longer than giving material things. To help those in need, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, that can make the difference that we can never really appreciate as much as our being there for them does. I never understood what the “Day of Giving” was prior to this. I am so glad to see that Activus Connect has provided this incentive to give back to those in our community, what an outstanding opportunity! I am just so pleased to know that I work for a company that doesn’t just claim to care but shows it through their commitment to their employees and community!