Why Choose Work-at-Home Over Traditional CX Delivery in 2021?

When it comes to outsourcing customer experience (CX), brands will first have to weigh the options between offshore, nearshore, onshore, or a mix of the three. Following the game-changing events of 2020, businesses must now add another element to that decision-making process: in-center or work-at-home? While each operational model has its pros and cons, we Why Choose Work-at-Home Over Traditional CX Delivery in 2021?

Who Ya Gonna Call? Stress Busters

When customers live in stressful times, the responsibilities of a contact center employee become far more challenging, leading to burnout extremely quickly. The contact center workforce is subject to name-calling, threats, and all sorts of irate customers on a daily basis, so customer experience providers have a direct responsibility to continuously help employees manage stress Who Ya Gonna Call? Stress Busters

Life at Activus: The Importance of Empathy in Times of Crisis

When people experience challenging times, the best kind of support comes from those who have shared those experiences and understand the difficult situation they’re facing. As an Ambassador at Activus Connect, Janelle Cuevas-Cruz works on one of our support programs answering incoming calls and assisting customers for a client in the financial services and lending Life at Activus: The Importance of Empathy in Times of Crisis

Boosting Diversity and Inclusion with Solid CX Partnerships

Diversity is a major priority area for most businesses today, and with good reason. A recent study by McKinsey found that diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors, while 67% of workers consider an employer’s diversity and inclusion model a deciding factor in their job hunt, according to Glassdoor. The prospects of Boosting Diversity and Inclusion with Solid CX Partnerships

Inspiring Forward: A Journey of Giving with The University of Florida’s IFAS Extension Office

Sometimes giving back is a journey we embark on willingly and naturally. This is the case with Angie Dixon (AD) and her experience with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Extension office where she actively volunteers and is part of their certified Volunteer team as a Master Gardener. AC: For Inspiring Forward: A Journey of Giving with The University of Florida’s IFAS Extension Office