Cultivating Communities The Activus Connect Way

At Activus Connect, our foundation is based on four pillars: Elevating Experiences, Building Brands, Enriching Lives and Cultivating Communities. These four pillars drive everything we do and the one thing they all have in common is, people. We are a people company driven to consistently enable the best outcomes…

And Just Like That, The Weather Is Tipping The Customer Experience Scale

Just before Thanksgiving, as we were winding down for turkey day, I flipped by the Weather Channel and thought – oh, wow, looks like a significant weather pattern is forecasted to sweep the US. Thanksgiving into Black Friday and over the weekend, national news outlets highlighted snow accumulations, cancelled flights, stranded cars, etc, etc. Today, And Just Like That, The Weather Is Tipping The Customer Experience Scale

A New Era of Better Customer Experience

We are living in the age of consumerization. Long gone are the days when brands are able to generically outsource customer care support to low value, low cost, “business processing” agencies who focus on basic performance metric such as handle time and staffing attainment. Today’s market has ushered in the emergence of Customer Experience Providers (CXPs)…

The Evolution of Customer Experience: Would Darwin Approve?

As we celebrate Customer Service Week, we thought it might be fun to take a glance back at the evolution of customer experience and ask ourselves, “Would Darwin approve?”
Eye of The Tiger?
The unrefined version of a contact center, an in-house customer service department in the 1980’s, gets a call from a customer. Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” music is playing while the customer is…

Insurance Companies Need a Strong Dose of Conversational Analytics

Scenario 1: Customer calls into the contact center have increased by 150% in the past few days. The weather channel is spewing out hurricane facts like an overheated computer. Insurance Company management notes the deluge in calls but doesn’t see the correlation. Sales are decreasing, new policy quotes are declining, conversion rates have all but evaporated, and revenue for the day is abysmal. Precious resources…

An Interview with the Women at Activus Connect

We believe in encouraging and empowering others to be the best version of themselves, especially to help women pursue their dreams and ambitions when it comes to their careers. With three wonderful women on our team, we saw this as an opportunity to write about them and their life decisions. Decisions that led them on their path to get to where they are…

I Started a New Company! My Journey to Women and Minority Business Ownership

I was born and raised in Venezuela and at the age of 16, I moved to the US to attend university. As English wasn’t my first language, I began my course work at Aurora Community College, later transferring to the University of Colorado at Denver (CU) where I ultimately graduated with my Master of Science in Finance.
As far back as I can remember, I have always been self-directed, driven and assertive…

The Beauty of Local, Mobile Customer Service: Experience Matters

Customer experience has become central to many mobile service providers and telecommunication companies – all of them working to differentiate themselves from their competition by aiming to be more customer-centric than the next.
Customer Experience Management (CXM) spans all interactions between service providers and subscribers: retail shop, e-commerce, buying…