Explore our enriching encounter with Jemmalyn Yaun (JY), an enthusiastic volunteer who participated in her daughter’s school field trip, where they embarked on a journey of discovery at the Imagination Station Science and History Museum, delving into history and igniting their creativity. Following their exploration of the museum, they proceeded to an artistic park, where they continued to cultivate their creative skills even further.
AC: What organization or local cause did you volunteer for?
JY: I volunteered to be a chaperone at my daughter’s school for their field trip.
AC: Can you please provide an overview of their mission?
JY: My daughter’s school encourages parents to be involved as they can in school activities.
AC: Was this your first time volunteering for this organization or cause? Please elaborate.
JY: This is not my first-time volunteering at my daughter’s school. I volunteer as much as I can, not only does her teacher appreciate the help but my daughter loves being able to see me during the school day.
AC: Where there any requirements for this type of volunteerism?
JY: In order to volunteer at the school, you will need to complete an application. There are different levels of volunteers (1-3), requirements to be approved depends on which level you applied for. I am a level 2 volunteer, which means I received the principal’s approval, passed a criminal background check and received the district approval. Level 2 means I can directly supervise children on a short-term role.
AC: Why did you choose to volunteer here for your Day of Giving?
JY: I chose to volunteer at my daughter’s school because I love being involved in her education. I love being able to be part of her school activities and seeing what she’s learning. I know as she gets older, I won’t be able to have this one-on-one time with her. Also, because I want to support our school community and be a solid support/resource for her teacher.
AC: Can you tell us about your volunteer experience? What did you do? Did your time volunteering meet your expectations?
JY: For their field trip we visited Imagination Station Science and History Museum. The students had fun and hands-on learning while thinking critically and investigating. We also were able to participate in a live presentation about force and motion, which were the kids’ favorite parts! After the museum and lunch, we walked over to Whirligig Park. This park has different sculptures made of recycled materials. The sculptures use wind to create force and motion. So, the students were able to witness art in motion and apply what they learned from the presentation at the museum. I very much enjoyed my time volunteering for this field trip and exceeded my expectations.
AC: What would you like to share to encourage others to volunteer their time and energy locally?
JY: I think it’s important to volunteer because it helps you strengthen your community. It helps you meet new people and create connections. Volunteering can also help you gain work skills such as being a team player and managing your time.
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