We had the pleasure of meeting Penny Ashley (PA), who is actively involved in distributing clothing and organizing them by hanging and restocking shelves. Additionally, she generously covers the expenses for individuals in need of clothing!
AC: What organization or local cause did you volunteer for?
PA: I volunteered at the local organization is called BROC.
AC: Can you please provide an overview of their mission?
PA: BROC helps families in need. They accept donations such as clothes and furniture and have yard sales where items are .25 cents each. All proceeds go to families in need of assistance and food.
AC: Was this your first time volunteering for this organization or cause? Please elaborate.
PA: No, I have volunteered multiple times.
AC: Where there any requirements for this type of volunteerism?
PA: No, there aren’t any requirements.
AC: Why did you choose to volunteer here for your Day of Giving?
PA: It’s an amazing cause. Helping people who need it.
AC: Can you tell us about your volunteer experience? What did you do? Did your time volunteering meet your expectations?
PA: I loved it. I helped hang clothes up. Stock the shelves with new donations. Separate things coming in. Take payment for things bought. It was pretty cool to see all the people come out and support this organization. People even gave extra money.
AC: What would you like to share to encourage others to volunteer their time and energy locally?
PA: It’s an amazing experience. It’s a great way to give back.
AC: Are there any links to the organization, additional educational resources, etc. that you would like to share?
PA: Seeing a mom come in and buy her kids some clothes for sure touched my heart. I’ve been there and understand her struggle. We also bought what she picked out.