We met with Dallyas Burgess (DB), who engaged in a shadowing experience at Karen Watson’s dental office, while on the journey to become a dental hygienist! Through this volunteering opportunity, Dallyas Burgess had the chance to observe and learn from the front desk, dental assistant, and dentist, all aimed at acquiring the skills to assist others effectively.
AC: What organization or local cause did you volunteer for?
DB: The local company I volunteered at was Karen Watson/Swanson dental offices.
AC: Can you please provide an overview of their mission?
DB: The company’s overview of their mission is to make a difference in a patient’s life.
AC: Was this your first time volunteering for this organization or cause? Please elaborate.
DB: Yes, this was my first-time volunteering to help within the community. I really enjoyed the opportunity.
AC: Where there any requirements for this type of volunteerism?
DB: The requirement for volunteerism is simple. All I had to do was find a dentist’s office in my area and reached out to them to ask if I could shadow a doctor and help where needed.
AC: Why did you choose to volunteer here for your Day of Giving?
DB: I chose to volunteer at a dental office because I am highly interested in going to school to become a dental hygienist, and I wanted to shadow a doctor and see how their day starts and ends.
AC: Can you tell us about your volunteer experience? What did you do? Did your time volunteering meet your expectations?
DB: Thursday was quite an experience! First, I was able to meet everyone and shadow the front desk. Then, I shadowed the dental assistant and towards the end of the day I shadowed the doctor. I was able to learn how to take X-Rays of teeth and set up the table for the next patient. I really enjoyed it and the volunteering did meet my expectations.
AC: What would you like to share to encourage others to volunteer their time and energy locally?
DB: You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.
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