Inspiring Forward: Creating Joy and Community at CenterPoint Church Extravaganza

AC: What organization or local cause did you volunteer for?

RD: I volunteered at CenterPoint Church Extravaganza.

AC: Can you please provide an overview of their mission?

RD: Putting Christ as the CenterPoint of their lives.

AC: Was this your first time volunteering for this organization or cause? Please elaborate.

RD: No, I do volunteer for them often, but the Day of Giving fell in line when I was able to volunteer.

AC: Where there any requirements for this type of volunteerism?

RD: There are no requirements.

AC: Why did you choose to volunteer here for your Day of Giving?

RD: I chose to volunteer here because it is an important part of my life, and it is a worthy cause.

AC: Can you tell us about your volunteer experience? What did you do? Did your time volunteering meet your expectations?

RD: I helped navigate people to certain areas, handed out wristbands according to age range and helped out with their petting zoo area.

AC: What would you like to share to encourage others to volunteer their time and energy locally?

RD: I would encourage everyone to find their purpose, what they enjoy and spend volunteer time doing that and watch how the benefits will help you feel more accomplished.

AC: Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience?

RD: It was a very worthwhile opportunity, and I will volunteer again.